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Moving Tips

Preparing Your Home For Sale

Whether you're ready to sell now or just curious about the process, we can help.  Many homeowners begin thinking about selling long before they are really ready to move!

The sale of property in NH involves legalities that even a For Sale By Owner must conform to.  We provide the following services in preparing your home for sale.

  1. Provide a free, no obligation market evaluation for your property.
  2. Recommend that you consult with your favorite real estate attorney.
  3. Provide an estimate of your cost of sale and your net equity based on your property.
  4. Inform you of village ordinances which may apply to your property.
  5. Explain Fair Housing Laws.
  6. Provide you with a copy of the NH Seller Disclosure Act form.
  7. Explain why offering a home warranty for your property may be in your best interest.
  8. Help you decide if your property should be inspected by a certified home inspection service.
  9. Locate your real estate property index number.
  10. Help you determine which repairs are necessary and which are not.

Garage Sale Time

Now is a great time to get rid of all those unnecessary things you accumulated - things you no longer want or need - and bring in a little extra cash at the same time. 

A garage sale is not hard to prepare for and can be fun!  Enlist the help of the whole family in organizing and pricing your merchandise.  Perhaps you could arrange a joint sale with a few neighbors.  Advertise the sale in your local paper and with signs placed around the neighborhood.  Be prepared to bargain and drop prices, if necessary, to clear out your inventory.  Make arrangements with a local charity to collect all the leftover items after the sale.

Tax Deductible Moving Expenses

Many of the expenses connected with moving may be tax deductible, if the move is job related.  Some of these include:

  • The cost of moving your household goods.
  • Expenses incurred while house-hunting.
  • Travel expenses during the move for you and your family.
  • The cost of meals and temporary lodging for up to 30 days after you get the new job.
  • The expenses, of selling your house and buying a new one.

To substantiate your claim, keep an accurate, detailed account of your moving expenses, including all receipts.

Special Care for Pets & Plants

Moving companies are not allowed to handle the shipment of pets, so you you will need to explore your alternatives.

Shipping animals by air is the fastest and most convenient method.  Most airlines are familiar with the care and handling requirements of animals.

If you must take your pet with you in the car, call ahead to make sure pets are allowed at your overnight stop.  Check with your veterinarian for hints that could make the trip more enjoyable for both you and your pet.  Before moving, be sure licenses and all vaccinations are up-to-date.

House plants do not travel well in the dark interior of moving vans.  Plants are difficult to pack and may have to survive several days without light and water.  Moving companies will not guarantee the condition of plants that are shipped and some states will not allow you to bring plants across their state line due to the possible transportation of harmful insects or diseased vegetation.   Check ahead before bringing plants with you to ensure that you will be allowed to cross state borders with them.
